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Di Starrenburg

Di Starrenburg is a fiction writer from Auckland. She has worked as a teacher and a designer and she recently completed a Master of Creative Writing at the University of Auckland. She won New Zealand's richest prize for a creative writing student—the Sir James Wallace Prize—for her master's thesis, a collection of short stories. Her work has been published in Takahe Magazine and Headland Journal, and is forthcoming in Hayden's Ferry Review. Di works as co-editor of Geometry.

Wings 2017 SpringT3STORIES


My father offered to drive me to the Interschool Cultural Festival where I had been semi-coerced into performing as a ‘Riverdancer’. This was not the sort of duty Dad usually took time off for. The last time he attended anything school-related was a soccer game back in fourth form when…
Di Starrenburg
November 17, 2017